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Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.

Our Children - Day Care center

Your contribution enables children to stay engaged in Day Care Center program and get services, which will enable them to live worthy and colorful life full of happiness.

Datuna actually is a serious and quiet boy but as soon as he catches a glimpse of his favorite video clip about "Harlequin" or "Giraffe Jo" you just can no longer recognize him as he bursts out laughing and giggling. He can dance and sway endlessly to the  accompaniment of his favorite music tunes.

Datuna has been learning at our day care center for several years and has a notable success in his development: he quite easily managed 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of communication with cards which is a great achievement! This program enables him to express his desire and needs with pictured cards. Datuna is very capable -he already knows that if he needs something, he does not cry but  just goes to his communication book, pick up a relevant card and take it to his companion. Currently specialists keep working to add more cards to his communication book because the next stage is to teach him to pronounce words. Simultaneously Datuna is not wasting time and is developing his self-caring and motor skills.


Datuna Khubaevi

1 June, 2017
Our sleepyhead Datuna:). He is so loving and sensitive boy who just loves sleeping very much and no place is a problem for him to fall asleep:)
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