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Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.

Our Children - Day Care center

Your contribution enables children to stay engaged in Day Care Center program and get services, which will enable them to live worthy and colorful life full of happiness.

Guramiko is very active and playful, likes sporty games with skateboard, bicycle, ball or car. He is in seventh heaven when he goes on outdoor activities in the gym together with his friends. He does exercises on all the training devices and never gets tired. Like all children Guramiko loves confections and especially chocolate. He quite easily finds his favorite music on YouTube independently and listens to it with headphones on; it's a great pleasure for him!

Guram has been at our day care center for a year but in this short period First Step has become a pleasant and favorite environment for him where he has got friends and can attend lessons. He has learned many things here: firstly he completed 1st, 2nd and 3rd phase of Alternative Communication Circle (PECS) and now he is able to build up conversation through cards and express his desire. Due the fact that he couldn’t do it before, he used to have challenging behaviors frequently which are notably decreased and we consider it a big progress! Within the framework of PECS program specialists teach Guram to pronounce and spell words. The boy is so smart that he already pronounces and uses 20 words purposefully. This is a significant progress for us! We continue working with him in order to improve his communication, self-care and cognitive skills and to get more success.

Guram Londaridze

2 August, 2017
Guram is the most energetic, smartest, quickest, most curious, strongest and most cheerful boy on earth.
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