"ABA" Therapy – the program covers children with autistic spectrum disorders aged 3 to 18. The service is provided in the center, 20 hours a week. It is planned to expand the service provision to enable children to receive the service in natural environment. Basically our specialists work with children individually, but they also can be involved in group work. The program is funded by the Tbilisi City Hall and covers 20 hours per child. In case when the child is not in the program, parents pay the service fee themselves and amount of visits is agreed with parents, 20 hours a week is widely recommended though. “ABA” Therapy is based on scientific statements and aims to manage child’s challenging behavior and replace it with socially acceptable behaviors, develop adaptive skills/behaviors, learning and trainings. ABA Therapy is implemented within the structured environment and methods are based on directive instructions where encouragement of positive behavior plays an important role. “ABA Therapy” is mostly used with children with low functioning autism and behavioral disorders.
FLOORTIME – is for children with autistic spectrum disorders and other special needs, among them children with typical development but with emotional problems. The service is provided at home as well as within the center individually or in groups. FLOORTIME is a therapeutic method which is based on the scientifically approved model where the main focus is made on approaches oriented on developmental/ individual differences and relationships. FLOORTIME aims at developing functional-emotional field at an early age in children on the one hand which promotes the development of other fields on the other. After completion of the therapy children develop natural communication skills, emotional maturity and self-regulation skills which are a perfect foundation for the development of emotional intellect. The therapy is intended for children of early age, but it also works for older children as in combination with other approaches it helps to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills and a high level of positive interaction and emotional maturity.
The Denver Model – Early Development Denver Model is a therapy based on development, behavior, routine, and playing used with children with autism spectrum disorders from 12 to 60 months. The method is based on models based on scientific research and is focused on a multi-learning environment. The target is all the skills related to early development: speech, playing, social interaction, attention sharing, cognitive skills, imitation, motor skills, self-care and behavior.