Donate now, with your contribution, you help special children!
Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.

Our Children - Day Care center

Your contribution enables children to stay engaged in Day Care Center program and get services, which will enable them to live worthy and colorful life full of happiness.

Datuna is a very lovely and sensitive boy. Purposeful and selfless work by specialists had great results and the boy is making huge steps forward! Datuna’s walking skills have improved notably –now he is able to move around with somebody’s help which was quite unimaginable for his family several years ago! The boy now can move his limbs more and more easily and also learned how to eat with spoon independently. Before, he completely depended on his caregiver. It’s a big success also that he can wash his hands partly independently and is involved in class activities. Generally his daily routine has become diverse and more interesting as he continuous acquiring various skills for independent living.

Dauna’s has several favorite activities, such as: listening to music, playing sensory games, going on excursions together with his friends and having fun. He loves being in the center of attention.   


Datuna Mindiashvili

31 July, 2017
Datuna is a quiet, warm-hearted and sensitive child. He comes to the day care center with his grandmother. He has got a very caring family who try their best to support child's proper development.
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