Donate now, with your contribution, you help special children!
Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.

Our Children - Day Care center

Your contribution enables children to stay engaged in Day Care Center program and get services, which will enable them to live worthy and colorful life full of happiness.

Six-year-old Tsotne is a warmhearted and cheerful boy. He has started learning at the day care center for just several days but he is happy now! His life has thoroughly changed for now as he hurries to the day care center every day together with his mother. Before now he had to stay at home alone and cry as his brother and sister left for kindergarten and school and nowhere to go. These obstacles were overcome by when he started attending the day care center. Here he is able to learn a lot of things through playing which will make him more independent. A special program has been developed according to which specialists will be able find the most suitable ways for his further development.


Tsotne Tsilikishvili

25 October, 2017
Tsotne has started a new and interesting phase of his life together with First Step. He has joined us quite recently but has already made friends, started listening to music and playing with foam, but most of all he is fond of flying soap bubbles.
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