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Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.


Important News

1 June, 2021
New Playground Opening - funded by SlovakAid

On June 1, when the world celebrates International Children's Day, with participation of our special guests – representatives of the Embassy of Slovak Republic in Georgia, we held an official Opening Ceremony of our new, adapted playground, which was made possible within the framework of Small Grants scheme 2021 of The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation. It should be noted that we had been seeking for the supporter for a very long time (and in vain) and now we are more than happy because it turned out to be the Embassy of Slovak Republic that became the sponsor of the project of First Step, and for the second time. Renovated playground will be a great help to our children in the course of acquiring new skills.

We’d also like to thank cordially to our old friend “McDonald's Georgia” who made our children happy and cheerful in all of the branches of First Step – in Dighomi, Isani and Rustavi with special gifts.

Thank you “McDonald's Georgia” for being with us for years and for making our children’s lives colorful and special.