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Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.


Important News

10 February , 2021
Russell Bedford AAC
It hasn’t been a long time since Russell Bedford AAC became our friend and supporter but they managed to do a lot of kindness for our organization and especially for our children so far.
The staff of the company has donated a certain sum of money that will be spent to purchase developmental toys that are used by the beneficiaries of the day care center of First Step.
What’s more, Russell Bedford AAC will conduct (and this is for the second time already) an audit for our organization for free, which makes us feel happy as the above-mentioned service is quite expensive and such support will be a considerable benefit for us.
We’d like to say a cordial “Thank You” to Russell Bedford AAC team for their high social responsibility and professionalism in what they do.