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Money transferred on the first step account is used to develop children with special needs and provide them with better future.


Important News

19 February , 2021
SlovakAid funding playground and green space for children with special needs
First Step Georgia is the first organization that will be supported through small project by SlovakAid in 2021 year, which means that very soon children of First Step will have a new playground and a green space around it where children, using wheelchairs, can enjoy being with their friends.
The playground is more than essential for First Step not only to entertain children, but for successful provision of therapy sessions.
Today, Ms. Tamar Zaalishvili, the director of First Step and H.E. Ambassador, Pavel Vízdal, have signed a grant agreement.
We’d like to say a big “Thank You” to a true friend of First Step - Embassy of Slovakia, and particularly the Ambassador for supporting children with special needs.
Slovak Aid Facebook post see here
FSG Facebook post see here