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Home Based Care Program

For those children who are not able to come to us.

Home Based Care program is designed to provide services to children with severe and profound physical and intellectual disabilities who due to their acute medical needs are not able to leave homes and are permanently in need for other person's assistance. The program was developed for those children who are isolated from the society, don't have self-caring or other skills essential for independent living. Due to the lack/delay of verbal and non-verbal communication, their parents and family members cannot communicate with them and that's why children's needs are not identified mostly. 

Home Based Care program considers service provision by different specialists (psychologist, occupational therapist, specialist of development, speech therapist and pediatrician) and a caregiver,  and represents a program which significantly improves children's viable skills and functions, communication and social integration. Timely provision of the service, in case of certain children,  may result in engagement of children in inclusive education or at the day care centers.  

First Step has been operating Home Based Care program since 2007 and provided services to 50-60 children and youth with severe and profound physical and intellectual disabilities from socially vulnerable families per year. In 2015 Home Based Care program was included in the social rehabilitation and child care state programs. Within the framework of state funding the program provides services to 40 children and youth with severe and profound physical and intellectual disabilities aged 7 to 18 residing in Tbilisi. Currently Home Based Care program includes child assessment and service provision at home as well as in inpatient medical facilities if necessary. Regardless the place, the program includes service provision by a caregiver, specialist of development or any other specialist from multidisciplinary team (occupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist or pediatrician) in correspondence with child's individual service plan. Totally 44 hours a month. At present, within the framework of the State Home Based Care program First Step provides service to 22 beneficiaries.