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Doctors' recommendations

Parents – don’t lose time!

Frequently behavior and mood of our babies change due to several reasons, such as tooth cutting, allergy aggravation, problems with digestive system, infections, reaction to vaccination or many more external factors. What we should keep in mind is that we must not leave some of symptoms without attention, and especially then when our baby’s changed mood and behavior last more than 3-4 weeks.

Answers to your questions you will find with a pediatrician of development of First Step Ms. Irma Gotsiridze.

Ms. Irma has been working with First Step children for more than 18 years. She, together with other specialists, examine children to see if there is a problem with child’s development that needs to be paid attention to and works to find solutions, and what is more, she implements assessment of children’s psycho-motor development from infant period.

And again, what should we pay attention to and when do we have to address our pediatrician? 

 Parents – don’t lose time!


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